Year of publication: 2023
Publication / Magazine title: XII Congreso DOCOMOMO ibérico. Actuaciones en el patrimonio arquitectónico del Mo.Mo
Type of publication: Comunication
Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán; Antonio Huertas Berro; Germán Reyes Mota
Publication author/s: Fundación DOCOMOMO ibérico; Universidad de Valladolid; Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Castilla y León Este; Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de León
Editorial: –
Language/s: Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-09-54567-4
Seville maintains an outstanding debt with rationalism within the context of the avant-garde. That is why the Official College of Architects of Seville is developing archive recovery work for the knowledge and protection of this heritage so unknown to society. Thus, the documentation and inventory of the archive of José Galnares Sagastizábal (1904-1977) represents an important milestone as prior knowledge for any possible subsequent intervention of the buildings he carried out.
The article we propose aims to analyze one of his works based on this unpublished documentation by studying all the proposals made by the architect until reaching the one actually built. With this research, the importance of the recovery of archives is evident, not only for the recovery of the document itself, but for the conservation of the architecture of this last century. To do this, we analyzed the “housing and commercial premises for José Ibarra and Lasso de la Vega” building, an example of how a purely rationalist building was inserted in harmony with the monumental environment of the historic center of Seville. Added interest, if you take into account the context history in which it was executed, prior to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War; and effervescent sociocultural period, as the first examples built in the country emerged, influenced by international avant-garde movements. Specifically, the facade proposal It was a real challenge for the architect to achieve the implementation of his innovative ideas. Different proposals and disputes that triggered a change in the promoters, the olive oil manufacturers Bruguier and Trujillo. These disagreements led the architect to make more than eight proposals that, although they preserved the rationalist discourse, attempted to approximate the objective of the promoters.