between houses a castle
Master Plan for the Villavieja and the Castle of Beas de Segura, Jaén
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Year of construction:

Year of project: 2021

State: Written

Location: Beas de Segura (Jaén)

Promoter: Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Beas de Segura (Jaén)

Architect: Pablo M. Millán Millán

Contributors: Javier Bengoa Díaz (Engineering); Javier Muñoz Godino (Architect); José Miguel Fernández Cuadros (Technical Architect); Alberto Martínez Rubio (Topographer)); Factoría 5 (Render)


The drafting of the Master Plan for the recovery of the Castle of Beas and Villavieja fortress, is part of the “Recovery Program of the Historic Center of Beas de Segura”, promoted by the Beas de Segura City Council in which one of its main objectives It is the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the defensive complex located in the urban area of ​​the Beasense town.

This Master Plan includes the bases for the treatment of defensive heritage included in the Charter of Baños de la Encina for the conservation of defensive architecture. Beas Castle and Villavieja Fortress, as a whole, are a clear exponent of defensive architecture in direct relation to a complex and evolving urban fabric. In this sense, achieving the objectives set out in the Baños de la Encina Charter through the drafting of a specific Master Plan is a priority in order to achieve effective conservation of this extremely high heritage.