Housing in Manuel Ardoy Street. Beas de Segura (Jaén)
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Year of construction:

Year of project: 2019

State: Project

Location: Calle Manuel Ardoy. Beas de Segura (Jaén)

Promoter: Privado

Architect: Pablo M. Millán Millán

Contributors: Javier Serrano Terrones (Arq. Técnico); Javier Bengoa Díaz (Ingeniería)


“Mi Amado las montañas,
los valles solitarios nemorosos,
las ínsulas extrañas,
los ríos sonorosos,
el silbo de los aires amorosos,

la noche sosegada
en par de los levantes de la aurora,
la música callada,
la soledad sonora
la cena que recrea y enamora”

Cántico espiritual, San Juan de la Cruz.


The project is born looking for maximum simplicity. A box to make a space habitable at the foot of the Sierra de Segura.

In a context of shapeless periphery in which each building is conceived with the eclecticism of the promoter’s whim, the most optimal resource is the material and formal sobriety, almost to pass anonymously.

The opposite happens with the place. An area of ​​visual and landscape richness. The project is located at the foot of the mountains, watching the river, on the side of a valley. It is understood that Juan de la Cruz and Teresa de Jesús would like to be in this town of Jaén. The search for the essential that both saints reflected in their lives and writings is taken as the objective of this project, to search for the naked light.

The architecture of this project will be sober, clean, white. A simple box with a central patio and a gallery. A group of houses to be, to abstract from reality and look at the horizon. With a simple and rational structure and a skin that closes to the outside. This is how this residential building is configured.