DEambulatio ARchitectonica IV: La biblioteca del arquitecto

Year of publication: 2024

Publication / Magazine title: DEambulatio ARchitectonica IV: La biblioteca del arquitecto

Type of publication: Book

Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán

Publication author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán

Editorial: Diseño

Language/s: Spanish

ISBN: 978-1-64360-882-2

The fourth issue of DEAR (DEambulatio ARchitectonica) takes the architect’s library as its thematic axis. Throughout its pages, a large and heterogeneous group of thinkers, coming from different disciplines, approaches this space and the world that is generated around it. Their texts offer us the opportunity to compile essential references, reflect on how a place for knowledge should be configured or investigate the authors’ relationship with works and places, physical or imaginary, where, mainly, beauty is sublimated.

DEAR’s journey began years ago talking about the journey through architecture, it was followed by a deep reflection on the beginnings of the architectural project and, in the previous installment, it gave us a foray into the architect’s journey. This new volume takes another step to become, through the value of the word, a book about books, a space in which to bring together academic, personal and research experiences, born from very diverse latitudes, geographical and vital. Its pages develop a context that generates worlds because, after all, that is what a book is, a window to new and unlimited scenarios that allow us to continue growing on the journey of life.

With texts by Pablo Millán, Ignacio Vicens, Francisco Gómez, Antonino Margagliotta, Alejandro Muñoz, Alejandro Cervilla, Paolo De Marco, Javier Ortega, Pepe Pérez, Luigi Margagliotta, Simona Belmondo, Sete Álvarez, Celia Chacón, Andrés Galera, David Vera, Omar Bugarin, Alexandra Espinosa, Cristian Castela, Ignacio Candel, Javier A. Martínez, Antonio Castro, Germán Reyes, Alberto Anello, Gabriele Giunchiglia, Germano La Monaca.