Year of publication: 2022
Publication / Magazine title: DEambulatio ARchitectonica III: El viaje del arquitecto
Type of publication: Book
Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán
Publication author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán
Editorial: Destino
Language/s: Spanish
ISBN: 978-1-64360-714-6
This new DEambulatio ARchitectonica has focused on travel as a tool. It brings together a series of texts on architects’ trips, personal experiences, reflections that, we hope, will serve new and restless architectural travelers. The different writings have a common thread, the architectural journey as a continuous learning process for the architect. After all, each architecture project is a journey and each new project a new destination. This has been the main objective of the academic year summarized here in reflections of teachers and student work.
With texts by Pablo Millán, Francisco Gómez, Antonino Margagliotta, Paolo de Marco, Alejandro Muñoz, Luigi Margagliotta, Carlos Plaza, Alejandro Cervilla, Sete Álvarez, Andrés Galera, Simona Belmondo, Javier A. Martínez, Luisa Velandia, Celia Chacón, Antonio Castro, Ignacio Candel, Omar Bugarin and Blanca Gómez-Millán, Damián Flores, Mercedes Herrera, Pilar Miquelajauregui, Francisco Ibáñez, Alberto García, Pablo Fernández, Avelina Calvete and Alejandro Medina.