Competition Almazara in Mogón. (Villacarrillo, Jaén)
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Year of construction:

Year of project: 2019

State: Competition.

Location: Mogón (Villacarrillo). Jaén

Promoter: Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza San Vicente

Architect: Pablo M. Millán Millán

Contributors: Elena Jiménez (Architect); Javier Serrano Terrones (Technical Architect); Javier Bengoa Díaz (Engineering); Factoría 5 (Render)


«[…] Olivar, por cien caminos,

tus olivitas irán

caminando a cien molinos.

Ya darán

trabajo en las alquerías

a gañanes y braceros,

¡oh buenas frentes sombrías

bajo los anchos sombreros!…

¡Olivar y olivareros,

bosque y raza,

campo y plaza

de los fieles al terruño

y al arado y al molino.

de los que muestran el puño

al destino,

los benditos labradores

los bandidos caballeros,

los señores

devotos y matuteros!…

¡Ciudades y caseríos

en la margen de los ríos,

en los pliegues de la sierra!…

¡Venga Dios a los hogares

y a las almas de esta tierra

de olivares y olivares!»

Antonio Machado


The current facilities of the SCA oil mill. San Vicente de Mogón have two areas clearly distinguished, the olive reception area, located at the back of the facilities, and a powerful piece of about 150 m. long and 23 m. wide in which the fields of milling, bottling and storage of the oil are integrated, together with the works of sale to the public and administrative spaces.

The expansion and reform of the SCA facilities. San Vicente in Mogón proposes an opening through a profound recognition of the exceptional environment in which it is located. The proposal generates a large structural portico open to the environment, a succession of large doors that look out over the Guadalquivir as the seed of a new philosophy of understanding oil production. This great structural portico is singular by its own dimension. The intention of the project is to propose a contemporary language, simple and clean but repetitive, so, It generates an important new icon itself.