El patrimonio de Valparaíso: de la topogénesis a la topofilia
Year of publication: 2016
Publication / Magazine title: Acto y forma. Revista de la escuela de arquitectura y diseño PUCV. Vol. 1 (nº 2)
Type of publication: Article
Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán
Publication author/s: Escuela de Arquitectura y diseño PUCV
Editorial: Ediciones e[ad]
Language/s: Spanish
ISSN: 0719-7543
Valparaíso is a city that by pure logic should never have been like that. Since its origins, it has been observed how the place where it is located has generated a continuous tension that persists to this day. This tension has been the generator of an exceptional material and social reality, a unicum that fully justifies calling Valparaíso a heritage city.