Year of publication: 2015
Publication / Magazine title: Más allá de la imagen. La arquitectura del artesano
Type of publication: Book
Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán
Publication author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán
Editorial: Diseño
Language/s: Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-3607-99-8
«El libro Más allá de la imagen. La arquitectura del artesano, is the result of several articles, conferences, comments and some written reflections on the drift of an architecture subjugated by the weight of form and away from any reasoning of service and commitment to man. All of them have been reviewed from the perspective of the artisan architect. After various debates and confrontations developed in recent years in various forums, he concluded that the architect needs to put into practice tools that, due to the saturation of a postmodern society, have been numbing and leaving in disuse. The drawing, the knowledge of the material and of history, the workshop, the collective work or the simple fact of positioning in front of the machine, are some of the characteristics of what we have called the culture of the craftsman».