Year of publication: 2010
Publication / Magazine title: Seminario de innovación investigación y transferencia en la ETSAS. (Actas)
Type of publication: Lecture
Article author/s: Pablo M. Millán Millán; Alfredo Rubio Díaz; Luz Fernández Valderrama; Amanda Martín Mariscal
Publication author/s: –
Editorial: Ministerio de educación, subdirección general de documentación y publicaciones
Language/s: Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-937904-9-3
Line of research of the group that aims to investigate the old and new relationship between Architecture and Health and propose specific project solutions for this revised concept from the contemporary…
Old relationship because perhaps architecture, from its origins, has had no other meaning (even art discovers in this concept an origin of constitution “sometime it will be known that there was no art but medicine” said Nietzsche). And new because of a certain amnesia that the production of recent decades, self-absorbed before its opulence and development, has caused and now seems to recover from the hand of a crisis, which like all, forces us to rethink the objectives, logics and reasons reviewing what could really be devoted to the effort and means of this new production.